Fiduciary duty refers to the legal obligation of one party to act in the best interest of another. It's a crucial concept in the context of probate, as it refers to the legal obligation of an executor or personal representative to act in the best interest of the estate and its beneficiaries.

The fiduciary is entrusted with the responsibility to put the interests of the beneficiaries ahead of their own, maintaining loyalty and avoiding conflicts of interest. Breaches of fiduciary duty can result in legal consequences and may lead to litigation as the aggrieved party seeks remedies for any losses incurred.

If you believe that a fiduciary (such as an executor, trustee or financial advisor) has acted irresponsibly, placed their interests above yours, or mismanaged your assets, it is essential to address these issues promptly and effectively.

At the Law Offices of DuPont and Blumenstiel, we recognize the complex nature of fiduciary duty disputes and are committed to safeguarding the rights of those affected. We represent clients dealing with various fiduciary duty breaches, including self-dealing and neglect of responsibilities. Call today at 614-389-9711 to set up a consultation and discuss your case.


Fiduciary duty litigation encompasses conflicts arising from the failure of a fiduciary to act in the best interest of the principal. When fiduciaries fail to fulfill their obligations, it can result in severe financial losses or detrimental personal impacts. Here are some critical areas we address:

  1. Breach of Fiduciary Duty: This occurs when a fiduciary fails to meet their legal and ethical obligations, resulting in harm to the principal. We advocate for accountability and seek damages to ensure our clients receive the compensation they deserve.

  2. Misappropriation of Funds: This case type involves allegations of improper use or theft of assets within a fiduciary relationship. We are prepared to take robust legal action against fiduciaries who unlawfully mismanage or misappropriate funds, restoring your financial security.

  3. Conflict of Interest: A conflict of interest arises when a fiduciary prioritizes their own interests over those of their principal. We advocate for accountability and seek damages to ensure our clients receive the compensation they deserve.

  4. Failure to Disclose Information: Transparency is imperative in fiduciary relationships. If a fiduciary has failed to disclose critical information that affects your decisions or financial well-being, we are committed to investigating these matters and seeking appropriate remedies on your behalf.

At the Law Offices of DuPont and Blumenstiel, our priority is to advocate for your rights with compassion and dedication. We recognize the unique circumstances surrounding each case, and we take the time to listen, evaluate your situation thoroughly, and create a tailored strategy for your legal needs.

Our experienced team understands the emotions and legal concerns involved in fiduciary duty disputes and is prepared to navigate these challenges on your behalf.

If you suspect a breach of fiduciary duty, do not hesitate to contact us at 614-389-9711. Our office offers confidential consultations to help you understand your rights and explore your options for pursuing justice and protecting your interests.




What should I do if I suspect a breach of fiduciary duty?

If you believe that a fiduciary is not acting in your best interests, it is crucial to document your concerns and consult with a legal professional. Our team can help you gather the necessary evidence and explore your options for legal recourse.

Can a fiduciary be held liable for their actions?

Yes, fiduciaries can be held liable for failing to uphold their responsibilities. Depending on the severity of the breach, liability can result in financial restitution, removal from fiduciary duties, or even criminal charges.

What kind of evidence is needed to establish a breach of fiduciary duty?

Evidence may include financial records illustrating mismanagement, written communications indicating a lack of transparency, or testimonies from individuals familiar with the fiduciary's actions. Our firm can assist in compiling and presenting this evidence effectively.

How do I take legal action against a fiduciary?

Taking legal action typically involves gathering evidence of the breach, filing a complaint, and potentially going to court. Our knowledgeable team will guide you through the legal process, ensuring your concerns are adequately addressed.

What are the possible outcomes of fiduciary duty litigation?

Possible outcomes can include financial compensation for losses incurred, reinstatement of lost assets, or punitive actions against the fiduciary, depending on the nature of the breach and the evidence presented.


At the Law Offices of DuPont and Blumenstiel, we are committed to providing the support and legal representation you need to safeguard your rights and interests. If you suspect a breach of fiduciary duty, we encourage you to take action. Contact our office today at 614-389-9711 for a confidential consultation, and allow our experienced team to assist you in navigating these challenging circumstances. Your rights and wellbeing deserve our utmost care and attention.