Another St. Patrick’s Day is upon us. This is the day that we celebrate St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. It’s a cultural celebration of all Irish heritage and all things Irish. Traditionally, people go to parades, bars, and pubs to celebrate Irish heritage, whether they have it or not. It’s a festival that can be enjoyed by all.
Like many holidays these days, we are celebrating a little differently this year. For instance, in Dublin, Ohio, where we are based, the St. Patrick’s Day parade was held in reverse! The participants remained in one location and the spectators drove through the parade and enjoyed the Irish attitude from the safety of their vehicles. A very creative way to hold a socially distanced celebration!
This is just a sign of the sensible precautions we all need to take. We need to take these precautions to keep ourselves and our loved ones healthy from the Covid-19 virus. What else can you do aside from the measures you have taken in regards to distancing, hygiene, masks, etc?
Something that will allow you peace of mind is to make sure you and your loved ones have their basic estate planning in order. That way, if needed someone can step and in and make decisions to keep the family healthy and functioning.
Everyone should have at least these three basic documents, regardless of their well being and size of their estate:
Power of attorney to speak on behalf: This grants authority to another person to make legal and financial decisions on your behalf even if you become mentally incapacitated. Your designee can assist you with decisions regarding your financial and tax situation, investments, insurance transactions, government benefits, estate plans, retirement plans, and business interests.
Healthcare power of attorney: What is a durable power of attorney for healthcare? This appoints someone to make health care decisions on your behalf (in consultation with your physicians). This directive only takes effect if you are unable to direct your own medical care, and you can generally change or revoke it at any time.
You should have a HIPAA power that authorizes those you designate to access your protected health information.
Of course, after you take these simple steps, then you can consider a more thorough consideration of your estate plan, like a trust or will, beneficiary designations, etc.
Many people think that estate planning is something that only the elderly need to think about. But if you have family members who depend on you, then the reality is that it's never too early to start planning your estate. At The Law Offices of DuPont and Blumenstiel, Estate Attorneys, Columbus, Ohio, we're here to help you make the right decisions for your estate and your family. Our estate planning services in Dublin, OH are designed to offer you the peace of mind you deserve, no matter your age or the state of your health.