BUSINESS OR PLEASURE Summer’s finally here, and I’m sure many of our readers are gearing up for some well-earned vacations. Wherever you go and however you travel, I hope you make some amazing memories with your loved ones. For myself, the lines between family vacations and business trips have blurred. Often when I’m asked if I’m traveling for ... CONTINUE READING
ENJOY YOUR FAMILY TIME Setting some time aside to be with family is important, but it can be difficult when everyone is always on their cellphones. Constant cellphone use has become a global problem, and the habit is hard to break because we rely on mobile devices heavily for work, school, and keeping in contact with friends and family. Luckily, there are plenty of apps that can reduce how often you’re on your ... CONTINUE READING
CELEBRATE NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY DAY Nature Photography Day is June 15, and it continues to garner enthusiasm with each passing year. It’s been designated by the North America Nature Photography Association as a day to promote the enjoyment of outdoor photography and to explain how nature photography can advance conservation efforts locally and worldwide. Almost everyone has access to a sufficient camera with ... CONTINUE READING