BIRTH ORDERS AND BEGINNINGSAs 2018 draws to a close and the cold weather seeps in, it seems as good a time as any for reflection. Both as a professional and a human being, I’ve always tried to keep myself open to new avenues, better approaches, and alternative ways of thinking. Just looking at the books I’ve picked up over the last year, I’ve noticed a ... CONTINUE READING
4 WINTER ILLNESSES YOU’D RATHER AVOIDAchoo! That’s the last noise you want to hear this winter. Cold weather brings a slew of sicknesses, so be vigilant to treat these common illnesses, or better yet, avoid ... CONTINUE READING
ANTIQUING IN THE AGE OF EBAYAntique stores are not as common as they used to be. Thanks to online shopping and websites like eBay, it has gotten slightly harder to find quality antique items and good deals. All too often, it seems like sellers rely on eBay and similar websites as a point of reference to price their items, even if eBay isn’t the best ... CONTINUE READING