Gregory S. DuPont, JD, CFP

How to Evaluate Your Asset Protection Needs

At the Law Offices of DuPont and Blumenstiel, we work with individuals and businesses throughout Ohio to protect their wealth from unforeseen risks. Asset protection is more than just a strategy; it’s an essential approach to preserving what you have built.

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Gregory S. DuPont, JD, CFP

What Are Common Misconceptions About Trusts?

We often find that many Ohio residents have misunderstandings about trusts. These legal tools provide significant advantages for estate planning, yet misconceptions prevent individuals from fully utilizing them.

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Braden Blumenstiel, JD

What Are the Grounds for Contesting a Trust in Ohio?

Contesting a trust is no small decision. It can become highly emotional and complicated, especially when family members are involved. If you're considering disputing a trust, you need an attorney who genuinely cares about your goals and offers clear, compassionate counsel during difficult times.

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Braden A. Blumenstiel, JD

What Are the Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall Accident?

We've seen how slip and fall accidents can catch anyone off guard. One moment, you’re going about your day, and the next, you’re on the ground in pain, unsure of how severe your injuries might be. Here are some steps to take to protect your health and future legal claim.

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Gregory DuPont, JD, CFP

What Types of Trusts Should You Consider for Your Estate Plan?

Trusts can provide protection for your beneficiaries, help reduce taxes, and allow for your assets to be distributed according to your wishes. However, not all trusts are created equal, and choosing the right one for your estate plan requires careful consideration. In this article, we’ll explore 5 different types of trusts that we commonly draft in our office, as well as their advantages and limitations.

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Greg DuPont, JD, CFP

What Are Advance Directives and Why Are They Important?

Advance directives are legal documents that allow individuals to outline their healthcare preferences in advance, should they become unable to communicate or make decisions for themselves. These documents are often used in situations where a person faces a serious illness or injury, leaving them incapacitated.

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Evan Hoffman, JD

Gun Trusts: A Comprehensive Guide

Gun trusts are legal entities designed to hold firearms and related assets while staying in compliance with federal and state laws. In Ohio, understanding gun trusts is crucial for responsible firearm ownership.

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Gregory S. DuPont, JD, CFP

How much can you gift a family member in 2024?

The federal tax code has very specific rules about how much you are allowed to give to others each year—and over the course of your lifetime—in the form of a gift. But not every gift is subject to tax. Learn how you can avoid gift tax via tuition and medical exemptions.

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