
Gregory S. DuPont

The Many Uses of Trusts

Trusts are legal arrangements that provide direction for how you want certain assets managed, for the benefit of one or more named individuals or groups, both during your lifetime and at death.

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Gregory S. DuPont

A Mountain of Debt to Scale: How will It Affect You?

Debt has become a very circular process in which consumers become both borrowers and lenders. While they borrow money from banks and finance companies, consumers are receiving interest from money market funds, bond mutual funds, and pension funds, all of which invest in consumer debt.

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Gregory S. DuPont

Unburden Your Loved Ones with a Financial Inventory

To avoid leaving your loved ones in this difficult situation, consider taking time now to prepare an inventory of pertinent financial information. This record will help those who must manage your financial affairs after your death carry on smoothly and without undue delay.

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Gregory S. DuPont

Life Changes and Your Taxes

There’s hardly an aspect of your financial situation—savings, education, real estate, investments, retirement funding, or estate planning—that isn’t influenced by taxes. Tax planning is especially important if your circumstances have changed over the past year.

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Gregory S. DuPont

A Buffer for Your Estate

When it comes to estate planning, large estates often call for particularly strategic planning. One flexible and powerful tool many estate planning professionals recommend to their clients is the irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT). But, just where does the ILIT fit into the overall estate planning process?

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