
Gregory S. DuPont

Revisiting Elder Care Issues

Aging seniors and/or family caregivers are advised to periodically review existing financial, health care, and living arrangements. In the transition to the later stages of life, changing needs and concerns often require revisiting prior plans and updating or revising them accordingly.

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Gregory S. DuPont

Accentuate Your Pension

If you are a number of years away from retirement, or if you are approaching it fairly soon, you may choose to consider purchasing the amount of insurance necessary to cover a retirement contingency.

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Gregory S. DuPont

5 Big Problems to Solve Before You Retire

If you have a blueprint in place that addresses with these five concerns -- a plan that's amendable as times change so you stay on the right track -- you have the greater potential to enjoy retirement.

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Gregory S. DuPont

Draft a Retirement Wish List for Your Financial Adviser

When we put together a comprehensive retirement plan for our clients, the starting place is always with your retirement wish list. A good adviser will want to learn all about you: what you want to accomplish in retirement, what kind of lifestyle you hope to have and what you worry about most.

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Gregory S. DuPont

Target-Date Funds Are Worrying Me

In concept, target date funds can be terrific options for certain shareholders.If you’re considering a target date fund or want to learn more, give me a call so that we can walk through the pros and cons together.

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Gregory S. DuPont

401(k) Plans for Small Business Owners

While an obvious advantage to a 401(k) and other qualified plans is the ability to take a deduction today and postpone paying taxes until tomorrow, it is clearly not the only advantage. Even more important is the ability to invest employee retirement funds on a tax-deferred basis. As a result, whether tax rates remain the same or increase, a 401(k) plan remains a valuable tax planning tool for small business owners.

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