With proper guidance, it is possible to keep your life insurance policy proceeds out of your estate and to also provide immediate funding for short-term financial needs.
Your Estate and Life Insurance: It All Adds Up
It can be fairly easy to underestimate your net worth. After all, predicting the future value of your home and savings is merely hypothetical.
An Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust Can Strengthen Your Business Estate Plan
Most estate planning professionals view the irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT)as one of the most flexible and powerful tools they can put to work on behalf of their business clients.
A Universal Idea for Business Owners
Universal life insurance is an idea that offers several interesting and beneficial components. The most notable are flexibility and adjustability.
Survivorship Life Insurance: Preserving Your Business Legacy
By using survivorship life insurance, and addressing the issue of estate taxation now, you will have taken important step toward preserving the future of your family business.
Survivorship Life: A Win-Win Proposal
Whether you have concerns about potential estate taxes or wish to leverage the value of a gift to your favorite charity, a survivorship policy can help provide a relatively high benefit for a minimal cost.
Estate Planning for Everyone
These are a few of the initiatives you can take now to start managing your estate. While larger estates may have different concerns than smaller ones, the key is to recognize that planning is the issue, not size!