
Gregory S. DuPont

Revisiting Elder Care Issues

Aging seniors and/or family caregivers are advised to periodically review existing financial, health care, and living arrangements. In the transition to the later stages of life, changing needs and concerns often require revisiting prior plans and updating or revising them accordingly.

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Gregory S. DuPont

Estate Planning for Everyone

Have you every wondered how estate planning might fit into your overall, future plans? Even if you are just starting to build your estate and do not need complex estate planning, here’s a quick look at some steps you should consider taking immediately in order to protect your family and to reduce potential expenses in the event of your death.

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Gregory S. DuPont

Understanding the Estate Planning Process

The careful planning of an estate requires a great deal of expertise. If you surround yourself with a professional, supportive team as you begin the process, work through its many stages and adjust your plans over time, you assure yourself—and those you love—that the future will be secure for all.

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Gregory S. DuPont

Accentuate Your Pension

If you are a number of years away from retirement, or if you are approaching it fairly soon, you may choose to consider purchasing the amount of insurance necessary to cover a retirement contingency.

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Gregory S. DuPont

Helping Your Heirs While Helping Others

While most people may be resigned one way or another to the inevitability of taxation, many may be unaware that they have a choice regarding the form in which their contribution to society is fulfilled.

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Gregory S. DuPont

Estate Planning for Lifetime Partners

There have been some distinct changes in the American cultural and sociological landscape in recent decades. Among them is the increasing number of unmarried couples living together as lifetime partners. This trend has created estate planning challenges for the individuals involved.

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Gregory S. DuPont

5 Big Problems to Solve Before You Retire

If you have a blueprint in place that addresses with these five concerns -- a plan that's amendable as times change so you stay on the right track -- you have the greater potential to enjoy retirement.

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Gregory S. DuPont

Being Prepared for Future Care Possibilities

Do you ever think about the need for life-support systems should you become “terminally ill” or “permanently unconscious” due to the possibility of experiencing a future accident or illness? What decision would you want your family to make if faced with the difficult choices involved with life-sustaining medical treatment for you?

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Gregory S. DuPont

The Triple Tax Benefits of Health Savings Accounts

When planning for retirement, most Americans think mainly about using tax-advantaged savings vehicles like 401(k) or individual retirement accounts, while failing to consider the triple tax advantages associated with saving for future health care costs using a health savings account, or HSA.

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Gregory S. DuPont

Valuing a Closely Held Business

While determining the valuation of a closely held business may seem overwhelming at first, it may prove useful in estate and financial planning, as well as business succession planning. Because the valuation process is intricate and involves many variables, be sure to consult with qualified professionals.

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