If you’re a business owner, you’ve most likely worked hard to build and manage a company that provides for you and your family. As a result, the income and wealth derived from your business success has become a significant portion of your estate.
Business Succession Planning
Business owners are often so busy with the day to day issues of running and growing their companies that the issue of business succession is often overlooked or left on the “back burner” until it’s too late.
Business Planning for Continuity
For the owner of an interest in a small-to medium-sized business, such as a proprietorship, partnership, or corporation, the problem of an untimely death cannot be underscored too markedly.
Strategies for Success: Business Succession Planning
Timing is everything. As a result, it is prudent for today’s small business owner to consult with insurance, legal, and tax professionals to devise a plan of action that will provide security for his or her business and family.
Buy-Sell Agreements: Protecting Your Family’s Future
A buy-sell agreement is a legal contract that establishes a buyer for an owner’s share of a business and stipulates the price to be paid.
Retirement Planning and the “One-Man Band”
If you’re an “owner-only” business, you may think your retirement planning options are rather limited. On the contrary, you can enjoy some of the same retirement plans available to larger businesses.
Business Succession Planning
What would happen to your business and your family should you become disabled or die unexpectedly? Do you have key employees or family members who could step in and run the company in your absence?
Business Survival Planning for the Sole Proprietor
The future of your business is in your hands. Your qualified financial, tax, and legal professionals can help you develop estate planning strategies to allow your business to continue fruitfully.
Perking Up Benefits; Executive Bonus Plans
In a highly competitive job market, attracting and retaining the best employees is not always an easy task. You need to take advantage of all strategies at your disposal. A nonqualified benefit plan can help you “sweeten the pot” for your top performers.
Business Owners Recognize the Importance of Personal Wealth
Long-term business planning and budgeting are important to the ultimate success of a business. The creation of a long-term personal financial plan and investment strategy is critical to the success of the business owner.