Although split dollar life insurance arrangements have merit as a supplemental benefit for many business owners and key executives, they are generally not viewed as a practical option for S corporations.. Contrary to what some may think, split dollar life insurance may offer benefits to S corporations.
A Tower of Strength
A disability income insurance policy can help protect your most valuable asset: your ability to earn an income.
A Prescription for Disability
When it comes to business owners and the impact a disability can have on their business, there are many issues to address. Consider the following hypothetical case.
Protecting Against Loss with Business Interruption Insurance
Many business owners who would never think of leaving their buildings and contents uninsured overlook how much it would cost them in lost earnings if operations were down for a period of time due to a natural or man-made disaster.
Ensuring Continuity with the Disability Buy-Out
Some business owners overlook the hazard to their personal income should they become totally or permanently disabled during their working years.
Key Person Insurance: Cash, When It’s Needed Most
If the ongoing success of your business depends on one or more key individuals, you may want to consider the role that insurance can play in protecting your business.
Help Protect Your Business with Disability Income Insurance
How long would you be able to cover your personal and business expenses if your income and revenue were to stop suddenly due to a disability?
A Tower of Strength; Insurance Against the Unthinkable
The investment you made in your education and your ability to earn an income is invaluable. Disability income insurance can help protect a portion of your income, while other types of coverage can help protect your business, in the event of a disability
The Triple Tax Benefits of Health Savings Accounts
When planning for retirement, most Americans think mainly about using tax-advantaged savings vehicles like 401(k) or individual retirement accounts, while failing to consider the triple tax advantages associated with saving for future health care costs using a health savings account, or HSA.
Reviewing Life Insurance Plan
Life insurance is present in almost every estate plan and serves as a source of support, education-expense coverage, and liquidity to pay death taxes, pay expenses, fund business buy-sell agreements and sometimes to fund retirement plans.