buy-sell agreement

Gregory S. DuPont

Agree Now, Avoid Headaches Later

A buy-sell agreement is a great tool to help you and your fellow business owners deal with some difficult issues that may come up in the course of running a business.

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Gregory S. DuPont

Funding a Business Buyout

The buy-sell business continuation agreement is a powerful instrument in helping to assure that the hopes and dreams of its original founders may continue unabated.

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Gregory S. DuPont

Assuring Your Company’s Survival

When the pace slackens, are you ever nagged by thoughts of what would happen to your company if it was unable to carry on due to your death or disability? These concerns may seem like remote possibilities. However, by putting them off, you may be placing the future of your business at risk.

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Gregory S. DuPont

Agree Now, Avoid Headaches Later

Having a buy-sell agreement assures the departing owner (or the family) that there is a guaranteed buyer who will buy the business at a fair price. The buying shareholders benefit because the agreement enables them to continue the business without having to negotiate with outside parties.

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