
Gregory S. DuPont

Agree Now, Avoid Headaches Later

A buy-sell agreement is a great tool to help you and your fellow business owners deal with some difficult issues that may come up in the course of running a business.

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Gregory S. DuPont

Disability and the American Business

Today’s business owner faces a myriad of potential crises. Business owners know that potential crises and unforeseen events may disable their companies and, as a result, the families involved. In this respect, a qualified income replacement plan can be a valuable addition to any business’s benefit package.

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Gregory S. DuPont

Funding a Business Buyout

The buy-sell business continuation agreement is a powerful instrument in helping to assure that the hopes and dreams of its original founders may continue unabated.

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Gregory S. DuPont

S Corporations vs. LLCs: Which Entity Is Right For You?

The LLC is quickly becoming the entity-type of choice among many small and medium-sized businesses. However, some business owners are still more comfortable with the more traditional S corporation, which provides many of the same benefits as an LLC.

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